Our Vision: Contact Us

We envision a world where communities
are self-determined, where many worlds
and cultures flourish, and where we look
after the well being of ALL forms of life.
A world where our lives are liberated
from oppression and domination and
where the people we love do not have to
die in order to live.

The world we envision is created by
nurturing our relationships and our
commons. This means we build
community and keep it alive through our
lands, the wisdom and culture of our
elder generations, and sharing our
knowledge using our languages and

It is created through trust, respect, and
caring which will heal, nurture, and
strengthen our spirits and our work. And
also created by walking with our
struggles together ready to fight while
using the power of our dignity to create

Our role as 50/50 crew is to engage with
youth and families in the South Bay to
reclaim commons and build spaces of
cultural practice, learning and action.
We engage some of this work through
workshops, talking circles, encounters,
learning to be well, and political action.
We believe that our humble
contributions will help manifest the world
we envision.

We came together as 50/50 Crew
because we saw a need for change in
our community. Each one of us has a
purpose and a desire to transform our
dreams/vision into a reality. We can no
longer wait for change to come. We
have to resist and fight to create change
now. It is not only the duty of 50/50 to
work towards the world that we envision,
but it is a vision that wish to share with
future generations.

The 5050 Crew is always looking for like minded people and like minded groups to learn, share,work with or just meet! No matter where you are, as long as your vision is to create a world of free people/for free people, through compassion, love and positive action, the 5050 Crew has brothers and sisters who will want to help and support. So check out our links and info to get in touch, or stay in touch!

Call Us/Text Us/Leave a message! @  1 (408) 320-8798

Email us @ fiftyfiftycrew@gmail.com

On Facebook @ Fiftee Fiftee Crew

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